How to Put New Wine Into a Really New Wineskin
What does this statement mean? “New wine does not work in old wineskins?” To understand this statement you first need to read one of the parables of Jesus Christ in Luke 5:36-39.
“And He was also telling them a parable: “No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and puts it on an old garment; otherwise he will both tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled out, and the skins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins. And no one, after drinking old wine wishes for new; for he says, ‘The old is good enough.”
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Jesus began teaching this parable about old wine, new wine, old wineskins, and new wineskins by first making a common sense statement.
“No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and puts it on an old garment.”
This statement makes sense. It would not be practical to take a garment that had just been purchased and cut off a piece of that garment to patch another clothing that is ready to be thrown away. This action is not logical. The cutting up of the new to repair the old does not make sense.
After making this statement, Jesus then says, “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins!”
The Creation of a New Wineskin
During the days when Jesus walked the earth, life was different.
The tools, machines, and mechanical resources we have today were a long way from being invented. Being able to keep food and fresh water was a tremendous challenge for everyone in Israel. The herding of and use of sheep was one of the most significant resources available for those living in that part of the world.
Slaughtered sheep were a resource for food. However, every part of the lamb was utilized. The fur from the animal would be used to make clothing and blankets. The meat was the food of the shepherd, his family and the community in which he lived. Even the skins of the sheep were used handily.
When they removed the meat and fur, the skins of the lamb would be used to create one of the most innovated and useful tools of the desert people.
The skins of the slaughtered lamb would be cleaned up and what would be left would be a fresh, flexible skin.
The ladies of the village would take the new lambskin and fold it together and start to stitch the outline of the animal together. They would sew the tail section, then the back legs, moving to the stomach area, then sowing the front legs together until they came to the neck area where the head of the lamb once was. She would always leave an opening at the neck of the skin.
After using the skin of the lamb to create a container and leaving an open section where the head of the lamb once was, she would reach inside, grab the skin at the tail section and turn the skin inside out so that the seams of the newly created bag would seal the bag from the inside out. In other words, she had just made a “new wineskin.”
The fresh, new “wineskin” was a very flexible tool.
Putting Wine Inside The Wineskin
After making wineskins, the creation of wine would be the next project.
This process would begin by first picking the grapes that would be needed. Then the one who was making the wine would combine the grapes with yeast, sugar, and water.
After processing the ingredients, the new wine would go into a new, flexible wineskin. The opened end section of the wineskin would be stitched tight. The skin would be completely closed and placed upon a self for the fermentation process to begin.
When the new wineskin with the new wine is placed upon a shelf for the wine to age, the flexible new skin played a significant role. The new skin would expand and contract many times while the wine was aging. It was essential that “new wine” be put inside a “new wineskin.” The aging wine needed to have a fresh, expandable wineskin for the process to be successful.
Trying to Put New Wine into an Old Wineskin is Worthless
As Jesus was telling this parable about “new wine and old wineskins” he was dealing with a significant issue.
Many people were listening to his new teachings, but they were not willing to respond to Him. Traditions were the driving force for many of the religious leaders of the first century. The old ways of doing things were satisfying to them in their spiritual journey. That has not changed much for many people in over 2,000 years.
Jesus made it very clear. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins. After the wine was used up from a wineskin the sun, heat, and elements would cause the skin to become dried out and very brittle. If anyone tried to put new wine into an old, hard lambskin when fermentation began it would burst the container and all the new wine would be spilled out.
Jesus was making something very clear about God’s Kingdom. For anyone to receive the new wine of God, they must provide the Lord with flexible vessels, a new wineskin. But here is a disturbing truth that Jesus pointed out…….
“no one, after drinking old wine wishes for new; for he says, ‘The old is good enough.’” (Luke 5:39)
Traditions and old habits can cause any person or congregation to become very dried out and brittle. When the Lord introduces us to a new direction or a new revelation (new wine) some people are just unwilling to give up the old for the new. They say, “The old is good enough!” (Luke 5:390
Are you willing to let the “new wine” of Jesus fill your heart?
Do you think you are willing to give the Lord a “new wineskin?” Are you ready to provide him with a willing heart, a willing spirit, an obedient nature?
The Lord cannot put “new wine” into our hearts if we say, “the old is good enough.”
What kind of wineskin are you willing to give to the Lord today?
Just remember, new wine does work in an old wineskin.
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Jesus desires to fill us with His new spirit, his new direction, and his new life!
He wants us to offer him a new container. A heart, mind, and life that is willing to move under His direction.
The new wine of Jesus needs a new wineskin!
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What are you offering Him?